Judicial Precedents
Arbitration of judges………….
Arbitration of judges………….
I am the inclination……
You are a thick mist that is difficult to see through……
The study of all heavenly bodies……
I thank you Lord for the waves early this morning…..
You are a government of the people, for the people and by the people…..
The island I will miss and I will not forget…..
A shoal of fish is like a flock of birds……
I want to be like….
Open form verse….
Watch me like the sentinels; the stars, I am alone……
The hand………..
You are visual……
A vagrant with ragged clothes all alone……..
I am here and there……
Stars are diamonds bathing the brunette night……
The earth was formless and as empty as space…..
If you are the night, I am the day……..