
You are a thick mist that is difficult to see through

A cloud in contact with the ground

A cloud near the surface of the sea

You are seen at night and early morning over low land

And water causing obscurity

Cold air currents striking down upon a warmer surface

Condensation of water vapour

In the air upon dust particles near the earth’s face

You are like a miasma

You are like cloudiness on a photographic negative obscuring my view


You are much thicker in the city that the country

A thicker blanket of murkiness

You like to roam off the coast of Newfoundland

Creating confusion and blindness

You often hang over San Francisco and

You are denser than clouds causing more haze

Where droplets are smaller absorbing more light

Smaller than clouds having persons in a daze

You are murk before my sight

A curtain resting on the earth beclouding before me

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