Beauty and the Beast
You are the beauty and I am the beast…….
You are the beauty and I am the beast…….
The sea is a kitten…..
You are the sunshine…..
It was night time when he first saw her face…….
Born in a manger……
Hurting you I want to never do My delicate heart cries out to you Hurting you I am hurting myself For you are a part of me I can’t let go Wherever your heart may go I will follow So Maureen just be as happy as a queen […]
Your approach is like the coming of dawn…….
You are made of roses……
The earth was formless and as empty as space…..
Hocus-pocus you are miraculous……
Why should life treat me as heartless as death?……
As it cuts through the sky, the bird of prey…..
Oh Lord, thanks for the breath of life in me……..
Is love what love was meant to be?…..
Time chained me to the sand…….
He crawled like darkness upon the land…….
If you are the night, I am the day……..
A nightingale by night…..
He watches like a watchman……