<![CDATA[ANCIENT – very old

BELIEF – something you accept as true

BELIEVE – to accept something as true

BESIEGE – to surround a place with weapons to try to capture it

BRIEF – lasts for a short time

CASHIER – the person you pay when you buy something in a store

FIELD – a wide open area of land used for playing sports, planting crops, or for animals to graze

FIERCE – violent, wild and aggressive

FRIEND – someone not related to you whom you like and know closely

GRIEF – sorrow and sadness

GRIEVE – to cause grief to

GRIEVOUS – sorrowful and painful; causing grief

LIEUTENANT – an officer in the Army or Navy

MISCHIEF – bad or troublesome behaviour that causes trouble

MISCHIEVOUS – causing mischief or trouble

NIECE – your brother or sister’s daughter

PIECE – not the whole, but a part of an object

PIERCE – to prick or penetrate something using a sharp object

PRIEST – a minister in the church who performs religious ceremonies

RELIEF – a relaxed feeling or ease after a period of pain or distress

RELIEVE – to ease of pain or distress

REPRIEVE – the cancellation or postponement of someone’s punishment

SHRIEK – to make a high-pitched sound; to scream


SIEGE – a process in which police surround an area and force it to surrender

SIEVE – a tool used to strain solids from liquids or large particles from smaller particles

SPECIES – a group of living things with similar features

THIEF – a person who steals from other people

YIELD – to give in or to give way; to provide agricultural produce




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