The Masterpiece

Chef d’oeuvre

You show ingenuity

You show mastery

Your eyes are gems so priceless

Your lips like vanilla so tasty and

You add colour to this world

A painting richer than gold

Your cheeks with a million cherries

Your hair as fine as gold dust

My fingers will walk through

Your words as soft as butter melting in my ears

In love I am falling, falling like tears


Pièce de resistance

You are a jewel

I’m under your spell

Like I am frozen in time

Spellbound by such craft

I am an Eskimo in another time dimension

Your sight like ice, as stinging as a scorpion

A portrait before me

A portrait that sings like an opera

With music more melodious than the nightingale

My body and soul are weak

For this craftsmanship they seek


Tour de force

You are a classic

You are the masterpiece

Your look as magnificent as the heavens

Your touch as peaceful as falling dew

You walk in a resplendent grace

Producing flowers in your pace

My heart feels as breakable as glass

Vulnerable to such craftiness and expertise

Without you my world as hollow as a cave

Your departure as fatal as death

I am like a leper with nothing left




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