Low level and high level programming

Distinguish between low-level and high level programming languages;


Low-level language (Machine or Assembly Language);

High- level language (Pascal, C)


High-level language (HLL)

A programming language for example; C, FORTRAN, or Pascal that facilitates a programmer to write programs that are relatively independent of an individual type of computer. Such languages are referred to as high-level because they are nearer to human languages and further from machine languages. On the other hand, assembly languages are referred to as low-level because they are very near to machine languages.

Different examples of high-level programming languages include Ada, Algol, BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, FORTRAN, LISP, Pascal, and Prolog.

Advantages of High-level language

High-level language is rather simple to learn and apply.

They are machine self-sufficient.

Less mistakes are made when writing programs in High-level language because of the simplicity of the syntax.

It is simpler to adjust and sustain programs written in High-level language

Disadvantages of High-level language

Programs written in High-level language take more time to operate and need more storage space.

High-level language is less flexible as compared to machine or assembly language. For that reason some jobs are impossible in High-level language.

            Low-level language

Low level language includes machine and assembly language. Low-level languages are nearer to the hardware than are high-level programming languages, which are nearer to human languages.

Machine language

This is actually the lowest-level programming language. Machine languages are the only languages comprehend by computers. Machine languages are just about impractical for humans to use because they compose completely of numbers. Programmers, for that reason, use either a high-level programming language or an assembly language. An assembly language has the same commands as a machine language, but the commands and variables have names instead of being just numbers.

Assembly language

Machine languages compose completely of numbers and are more or less impractical for humans to read and write. Assembly languages have similar makeup and set of commands as machine languages, but they allow a programmer to use names instead of numbers.


Assembly language programs are converted into machine language by a program called an assembler.

Programs written in high-level languages are converted into assembly language or machine language by a compiler.




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