Studying Techniques for Exams

You should only cram for an exam as a final option. It’s difficult to take in and maintain a great amount of information in a small period of time.

Keep an optimistic approach, it is easier to study when you are calm than when you are tensed.

Given that your time is inadequate you have to select what you study. Don’t endeavor to study everything, spotlight on things that will get you the most points on the exam.

Focus on the most important ideas and learn significant formulas.

Leave out the details for now and only come back to them if you have time after you have learned the important points.

Note down the significant ideas/formulas on paper and keep on studying from that paper, going over is important.

Underline the important points in your notes, and text and concentrate on them.

Examine the chapter summaries and scan through the text and write down key ideas.

It is important to study from past tests and review questions

Reviewing homework is also very helpful.

Take a few minutes break now and then so that you can relax the brain.

Take enough sleep before the exam

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