Rhyming Scheme
The pattern created……..
The pattern created……..
The breath of life you give inanimate objects….
Parallelism from the Greek roots meaning……
Your interlocking rhyme scheme…..
You are just a figure of speech……
The Petrarchan sonnet; that is your name……
All the world’s a stage and this is your clown……
The apprehension of one thing by another…..
Verses when meter has been set aside….
I see the hills stand like huge walls…..
There is a garden in her body……
In the night you see an inaudible moon….
The pavement smooth as glass she glides upon…..
Like a see-saw…….
Your strategy for the Caribbean……
Coming from the African coast…..
You can make the figure; the heptagon…….
Are you like the six legs of an insect?…..