My Cross

Asthma like the Jews

But I am as innocent as a lamb

“What wrong has he done?”

“I find no wrong in him.”

“Crucify him, crucify him!” they shouted

Ordered soldiers to whip me

My breathing is stifling me

If I must breathe to stay alive

Then let me die


Soldiers took a cloak as red as blood

And covered me

With thorns they crowned my head

A reed in my right hand they shouted

“King of the people”

Stuck me on my crown with reed

Knelt down pretending to pay respects

My breathing is stifling me

If I must breathe to stay alive

Then let me die


“I cannot find any wrong in him”

“If you let him go you are no friend of the emperors”

Hence, I’m sentenced to death

Turned over to be crucified

My breathing is stifling me

If I must breathe to stay alive

Then let me die


On the way to Golgotha

Simon helped me

To carry my burden

Followed by a sea of people

Those who cried for me

Those who pitied me

“Do not shed tears for me

Rain the tears for yourselves and children”

My breathing is stifling me

If I must breathe to stay alive

Then let me die





The place of the skull

Asthma has sentenced me

Crucified with others, one on the right,

One on the left

Nails pierced my skin like light through darkness

The spear at my side dug through my flesh

“Father, forgive them, they do not know what

They are doing”

Soldiers shared my clothes among themselves

The crowd watched like stars sight-seeing earth

Words they roared

“He saved others, let him save himself is he is

The chosen One!”

My breathing is stifling me

If I must breathe to stay alive

Then let me die


One robber said, “If you are the One, save yourself

And us too!”

The other, “Are you not ashamed?

We are here quite rightly due to our crimes,

But he has done nothing wrong.”

He said, “Remember me when you come back

To reign”

“I promise you that before today is over you will

Be with me in paradise”

My breathing is stifling me

If I must breathe to stay alive

Then let me die


Midday darkness moved like a worm on the land

“I am thirsty”

A soldier gave me a sponge soaked in vinegar

I uttered a loud cry

“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”

And I died

My breathing has stifled me

If to breathe was to stay alive

Then I lived no more


“Dedicated to those suffering from asthma”


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