A PoemTo Villanelle
You are as repetitive as an echo
Moving like the waves with marine musicality
Yes, the high and low tides of ebb and flow
The poet’s pen the wind will blow
To lick the waves upon your sea
You are as repetitive as an echo
Your words carry galleons and yachts while letters billow
And seagulls’ screams try to break any monotony
Yes, the high and low tides of ebb and flow
Into a hypnotic dream you grow
Your readers to be in poetry
You are as repetitive as an echo
With your nineteen lines you show
And rhymes you display so truly
Yes, the high and low tides of ebb and flow
Bestow the rhythm you throw
The arching and breaking of the sea
You are as repetitive as an echo
Yes, the high and low tides of ebb and flow