All Young Leaders’ Games
All games by Young Leaders
0 times tables
1 time table
2 times tables
3 times tables
4 times tables
5 times tables
6 times tables
7 times tables
8 times tables
9 times tables
10 times tables
11 times tables
12 times tables
Games coming soon
- A game on Digital Citizenship and each of the nine elements of Digital Citizenship
Digital Access
Digital Commerce
Digital Communication
Digital Literacy
Digital Etiquette
Digital Law
Digital Rights and Responsibilities
Digital Health and Wellness
Digital Security
- A game on Cyber bullying
- A game on the pros and Cons of social Media
- A game on digital Hacking
- A game on internet safety
- Games on other subject areas like English, Science etc…
- Common Entrance Problem Solving games
- Others
ernil st.croix - May 15, 2016 3:46 pm
I cant get my test so I took this to say sir help me with this
PETER LEON - August 1, 2016 10:11 pm
lean philip - April 19, 2017 5:50 pm
this is very easy