Organisational Structure part2

The organisational makeup of a firm is a well designed relationship among the individuals in the organisation and the functions they are performing in connection with the objectives of a firm.


There are four forms of organisational structure: line, staff, functional, and committee.


Line structure demonstrates authority from top to bottom.


Staff authority is primarily advisory and gives advice to line managers.


Functional structure aims to divide the essential functions of a business into separate departments.


Committee is a collection of persons delegated to attain a goal by a senior authority.


Note managers at similar levels of authority have a lateral or side ways relationship.


The qualities of line authority are that it:

Provides directly to the creation of goods and services


– Demonstrates straight authority over subordinates


– Makes up the major function of an organisation.


The levels or stages of management are:


– Top management where the aim is analyzing competitors, strategies, and policies


– Middle management where the aim is harmonization of activities and subgroups, connecting top and lower management. Other responsibilities include planning departmental work.


– Lower management where the aim is to make sure the work is done. Also they handle the maintenance of equipment, scheduling of work and reports.


Advantages of a functional organizational structure:


– Resourceful use is made of ability


– Distinct managerial responsibility is revealed for a precise duty


– It is rational, uncomplicated and time saving.


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