To The Blind

A flower blossom as lovely as Venus

You know it is there from a fragrant smell

Rubbish pollutes the fresh air

You know it is there, it stings the nose


A sugary fruit set foot on your tongue

You know it is there from a sweet taste

Lime water bathes your tongue

You know it is there from a bitter taste


A river runs like an athlete

You know it is there by the gurgling sound

Raindrops nail on the rooftops

You know it is there by the pattering sound


As smooth as ice or as rough as sandpaper

You know it is there from your touch

You read words from Braille

You know it is there from your touch


What you smell you see

What you taste you see

What you hear you see

What you touch you see

Darkness your light

Darkness your day and night

You see without seeing

Like a bat that stalks the night

Like ignorance, you do not know

But yet you know



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