Reducing Test Taking nervousness

Test nervousness is when a student fears about doing well on a test. This can affect test performance and memory. The following are tips on reducing test taking nervousness.

Being well equipped for the test is the best way to reduce test taking nervousness.

Don’t try to learn everything the night before.

Try to maintain an optimistic approach while preparing for the test and during the test.

Make sure you get a good night’s rest before the test.

Be early for class

Stay calm

Read the instructions gradually and cautiously.

Scan through the test so that you can pace yourself.

Write down important information so you don’t forget.

You can do the simple questions first to save time.

Concentrate on your test.

Focus on each question. Don’t let your mind drift on different things.



1 comment

  1. Sherlan Jules - October 7, 2013 10:46 pm

    Its Good!

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