To Sir Arthur Lewis – Industrialization To Invitation

Your strategy for the Caribbean

Remedy for overpopulation

Your antidote to relieve poverty

Inserting foreign capital for we

Into the domestic economy

Is like one of our best therapy

Also some enterprise and investment

For us all is the corrective treatment

To take advantage of all cheap labour

And the right produce manufacturer

For export to metropolitan markets

This is a strategy for no regrets


Invitation to foreign capital

To fill the void and to teach the local

The ‘tricks of the trade’ and to offer tax

And other incentives so they’re relaxed

To encourage overseas investment

For us all is the corrective treatment

An approach export-biased and driven

So the economy you’ve enlightened

You laid out elements necessary

The industrial and trade policy

Foreign investment and fiscal policy

Monetary and financial policy


In your industrial policy you list

The industries that held the most promise

Hosiery, garments, the paper trade, leather

And building materials etc. ………

The second vital element was the

Foundation; establishment of a

Trade and a development agency

An agency to base regionally

That would develop industrial centres

And factory buildings opening their doors

Agencies would act as a catalyst

Starting her new industries on the A-list


In your trade and commercial policy

Finding new markets is this strategy

You suggested that the islands first look

To themselves, North America and look

To Latin America and U. K.

Expand markets large as the Milky Way

Recommended the start of a union

The customs union among the islands

So to guarantee a minimum scale

Economic scale; production will sail

And initial market demand for we

Is the corrective prescription I see


Second, you stressed the need for strategic

Alliances to be formed with exist-

ing suppliers who already have well-

Established distribution channel

And channels in Latin America

Like the sunken beds of streams of water

Third, the integration of the region

Like the marriage of man and woman

In a federal West Indian government

For us all is the corrective treatment

A treatment that’s as needful as the sun

From one rational like King Solomon


In your foreign investment policy

Proposed foreign manufacturers be

Encouraged to open their factories

Induced by fiscal and more incentives

Including cheap labour, as cheap as dirt

Economy you wanted to convert

Foreign capitalists were to be in

-vited, to the point of wooing; fawning

To fill gaps left by the inabili

-ty of domestic capital to free

Just like a bird; development forward

The right treatment not to bring us backward


In your fixed policy you suggest

-ed, fiscal incentives to be the best,

Including tax holidays and tax ex

emptions and subsidies you all inject

-ed, with the provision of industri

-al centres, you wanted us to all see

Now; your monetary and financial

Policy stated an industrial

Development bank was to be set up

As lender of last resort or back up

Is the corrective treatment for us all

So that the economy will not fall


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