Thinking Of You – The Atom

Every night before I go to bed

Before I rest my weary head

I kill my troubles to think of you instead

Not divisible

A size so negligible

The smallest possible particle

Made up of electrons

Made up of protons

Made up of neutrons

I stay outside and stare up high

Into the velvet mysterious sky

You are made up of positrons

Made up of mesons

Made up of hyperons

And as the clouds pass by

I often ask God why

Do you have a neutrino?

And I want to know

Why your electrons carry a negative

Charge of electricity?

Why your protons carry a positive

Charge of electricity?

Why should it be?

My curiosity is nagging at me

Your neutron carries no electric charge

Your positron carries a positive charge

Your neutrino carries no electric charge

Your mesons may be either positively or negatively charged

And I will always think of you

Because you are so true

Atom, thinking of you

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