The Dream Of The New World

As the man stared at stars dissolved in water

His dream absorbed and drifted by waves

Through the sea summer breeze wonders the dreamer

Morning came and shadows were elevated


A wakening beaches elongated before him

Seagulls a circumference in air, flapped away

Hawking birds dwelled in the kingdom of the welkin

The man’s dream sailed to discover a new world


His dream on a deck watched the horizon

Rocked through the water throughout the sunny day

New land will kiss the feet of the dream soon

Parrots alarmed the charted dream of the land


The velvet sky glorified the shores ahead

The dream’s hopeful vision hugged the coastline

A surviving hope that will never be dead

The crew saw waving fig trees upon hills


Waterfalls hung in the leafy forest

The crew’s eyes scaled the mountains’ anatomy

Where dwelling hidden as secret and scarce

The dream’s feet kisses the shores giving thanks to God

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