My Simile
You are a figure of speech
Comparison you beseech
With one thing and another
Using like, as, or as though
To make things seem similar
You paint in the mind; an analogy
The artist painting an affinity
Every brush stroke shows the sameness
Is it congruence you display?
My painter showing the likeness
Go ahead paint dear simile
Will you paint this analogy?
As active as quicksilver
As barren as winter rain
As brilliant as a mirror
Go ahead paint dear simile
Will you paint this analogy?
As cruel as winter
As dismal as a hearse
As drunk as a beggar
Oh I beg dear simile
Will you paint this analogy?
As expensive as glory
As frigid as an iceberg
As friendly as a puppy
Explain what you want in colour
Analogy; minds you capture
As generous as a good dream
As healthy as a May morning
As harmonious as a hymn
Oh I beg dear simile
Will you paint this analogy?
As immaculate as angels
As joyous as an old housefly
As jubilant as old sleigh bells
Don’t you stop dear simile
Just paint this analogy
As keen as a razor
As liberal as the sun
As light as a feather
Paint with your brush dear simile
Each brush stroke your analogy
As mild as moonlight
As neat as a nail
As naked as night
Paint and paint dear simile
Paint with your analogy
As old as first generation
As plentiful as blackberries
As powerful as a lion
Paint as beautiful as the sunset
Paint dear simile without regret
As quick as lightning
As real as stars
As remote as a dream
Paint as radiant as a rainbow
Paint Oh dear simile high and low
As sharp as a razor
As tame as sheep
As tough as leather
Oh paint to be as good as gold
Your colours will never grow old
As ugly as a sin
As vigilant as stars
As violent as steam
Paint like Leonardo Da Vinci
Just paint like him, Oh dear simile
As wide as savannah
As yellow as saffron
As yellow as sulphur
You are a figure of speech
Comparison you unleash
With one thing and another
Using like, as, or as though
To make things seem similar