Love, Is That You?

Like the sun that blossoms throughout the day

Like great Santa Claus flying on his slay

One, to bring happiness to so many

With feelings of care as vast as the sea

From a distance you look like a great flair

And in every heart you seem to appear

Moving throughout every air, sea and land

Always on cardiac mountains you stand

Always playing some affectionate game

To overcome wild hearts for you to tame

Love, is that you?

Is all this true?


Like a comet shooting through the blue sky

Glowing like candles in a lover’s eye

Sparkling like champagne and sweet like red wine

Are you from heaven, like one so divine?

You interlace within so many lives

Co-existing within husbands and wives

And will try to stay forever in heart

To shower affection and never part

You are always in the lines of poetry

You are like an eternal flame to me

Love, is that you?

Is all this true?

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