What Is Matter And Its Properties

What is matter? Matter is anything that takes or occupies up space

What are the three states of matter? The three states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases


Solids have three main properties:

It has a specific shape.

It has a distinct mass.

It has a definite volume.

Therefore a solid will always seem to be the same, take up the similar amount of space, and have the same amount of particles in it.


Liquids have three main properties:

It does not have a specific shape.

It has a distinct mass.

It has a definite volume.


Therefore liquids will always take up the same amount of space and have the same amount of particles in it. Note, because it does not have a specific shape, it takes the shape of its container.



Gases have three main properties:

It does not have a specific shape.

It does not have a distinct mass.

It does not have a definite volume.


Note a gas does not always occupy the same amount of space, nor does it weigh the same all the time. Similar to liquids, gases take the shape of their containers. Nevertheless, they will fill the space they are given. Hence they don’t always take up the same amount of space.



Properties of Matter

Keep in mind all objects take up space and have mass.

Physical properties- The quantity of mass and other uniqueness that can be viewed without changing how that object looks are its physical properties. When you look at mangoes, you know that they are mangoes because of their properties like color and shape. Mass, color, outline, volume, and density are some physical properties.

Density is an essential physical property. Density is the mass of a material per unit volume. Volume is the amount of space an object occupies.

Chemical properties- These can only be experimental by changing the characteristics of the substance. A piece of wood burns and turns to a black substance. After the flame goes out you can no longer burn the new substance. The chemical properties have been altered.

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